Which foods are best to consume after exercise

exercise, girl, swimming

We try so hard to stay fit spending hours in the gym or anywhere else, and we always try to improve and reach our goals. We are more likely to think much more about what we eat before exercising, than what we eat after. But eating properly the right nutrients after exercise is very important for our body. This is because when we exercise, our muscles use up our glycogen stores as fuel. After exercise, our body replenishes these stores and regenerates muscle proteins. 


Our body’s ability to rebuild glycogen and protein is strengthened after exercise. For this reason, it is recommended that we consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein the soonest possible exercise.

Many experts recommend eating within 45 minutes after exercise. It is believed that delaying carbohydrate intake by 2 hours after exercise can reduce glycogen synthesis by 50%. However, the benefits are likely to apply after training if you eat a meal before exercise.

In the list below you will find foods that are suitable for consumption after exercise:

Dark, leafy, green vegetables


– Sweet potatoes

– Chocolate milk

– Cinnamon

– Fruits (pineapple, red fruit, banana, kiwi)

– Rice cake

– Rice

– Oats

– Potatoes

– Pasta

– Dark, leafy, green vegetables


– Protein powder

– Eggs

– Yogurt (without extra ingredients)

– Cottage cheese

– Salmon

– Chicken

– Protein bar

– Tuna fish



– Avocado

– Nuts

– Dried fruits (in combination with nuts)

drinking water


Consuming adequate amounts of water before and after exercise is also critical. During exercise, we lose water and electrolytes through sweat. Replacing them after exercise helps to recover and increase performance.