Vacations on a Greek Island

Santorini island

I live in Greece, a country with more than 200 islands, where people live, work and enjoy the summers! You can spend your whole summer travelling to the islands. You can have any kind of holiday you wish. You can have the holiday of your dreams on the islands of Greece. 

greek island church

There are so many options… You can have a fun or quiet holiday, you can visit a beach or explore all the beaches of the island with a private boat trip, you can stay in luxury hotels full of pools, spas and restaurants or stay in a campsite and appreciate the sense of freedom and all the vibrations of the earth.  

You can have a very lively nightlife drinking and dancing until the morning or you can have some quality time watching the sunset and enjoying a glass of wine or a cocktail. You can spend time with the locals and take part in celebrations and festivals, which is something very common in Greece due to many saints’ feasts. You can taste unique flavours of traditional products and local dishes whose recipes are passed from one generation to the other by the grandmothers. You can drink local drinks such as ouzo, tsipouro, liqueur and wine or visit the production plant and learn how it is made.

octopus, traditional greek food
Zakynthos greek island
seagulls grek island

Although most people believe that holidays are only in the summer, I belong to the minority of people who appreciate the wildness of nature in winter on an island. The colours of the sea reflected in the sky, especially during sunrise and sunset, are like magic to me. There are no distractions from people and cars and you can hear all the sounds of nature… the wind blowing, the waves crashing on the beach and the seagulls flying in search of food. Although most shops and tavernas are closed due to the end of the season, the owners of those still open are more than happy to serve you and offer you their company.

Just take some clothes with you and leave your watch and phone behind…