The psychology of colours

marbles, different colours

Our favourite colour can reveal more about us than we think. You may not find a perfect match for all the characteristics listed for each colour, but you will probably find that you have a lot in common with what is reflected in your favourite colour.

Let’s find out what our favourite colour says about our character…

blue colour - calm and trusted


You are calm and people trust you easily. Just like the ocean, you appear strong and confident. You seek harmony and peace and you are very affectionate with the people around you.


You have a strong personality and you are energetic. You are spontaneous and you like the adventure. In other words, you are hungry for anything that gets your adrenaline high. You are passionate, ambitious and competitive. You also like to be the center of attention and you live your life with passion.

red - strong personality
green colour - practical and persistent


Your mind is practical and you are persistent. You like stability and balance. You are generous with your feelings and thoughts. You attract and charm others without having to try too hard. Also, your sense of self-respect makes you lovable.


You have a strong will. Without feeling any fear, you like to go after what you want and believe in. You are enigmatic and charming. Sometimes you may seem a little authoritarian to others and unapproachable.

black colour - strong will
white colour - simplicity and calmness


You like simplicity and calmness. In general, you are positive and optimistic about the future. People like to be around you, as you inspire optimism and joy. You rarely take risks with your decisions. In addition, you are independent and like to spend time with yourself.


You are calm and you like safety and comfort. You are loyal, humble and reliable. You are an excellent parent, partner and friend to others. You are usually a workaholic and you have a sensitive side that makes others want to open up to you.

brown colour - calm
yellow colour - curious and like to learn


You are curious about life and like to learn new things. You are always looking for happiness and self-fulfillment. You like to brighten the mood of others even if yours is not at its highest. You are intelligent, but you like to hide it from others.


You are the “heart” of all colours. You are a kind, sensitive and warm person. You always give more than you receive. You are romantic and charming. You have the enthusiasm of a small child, which makes you even more lovable.

pink colour - the heart of colours
purple colour - artistic nature


You have an artistic nature and developed instincts. You are interested in spirituality and the deeper meaning of life. You like to analyse everything and have a refined taste. Sometimes your mood can be affected as you analyse everything within you.


You are a sceptic person and have a great imagination. You see things from a different perspective than most people and you are not afraid to express your opinion. You like to share your knowledge with others. You are a people-magnet because of your special energy.

silver colour - great imagination
gold-leadership skills


You like to attract attention. You have leadership skills, you are confident and charismatic. You know your value, you are generous authentic, worthy of trust and always seek quality over quantity.

Which colour are you?