The benefits of the family dinner


One of the sweetest memories I have of my childhood is the family dinners. I remember that we would wait for my dad to come from work to dine all together. It was such a nice moment…all the family was around the table, relaxed, with great appetite, chatting and laughing…most of the time! On holidays, our family table was sometimes full of cousins, relatives, and friends…full of happy faces. I miss the joy of family dinners…

It is a fact that the demanding and stressful rhythms of our daily lives make it very difficult – if not impossible – for the whole family to gather around the family table. Parents’ busy working hours and children’s school obligations make it difficult to have lunch or dinner together. What happens is that usually, the members of the family enjoy their lunch… alone!

I believe that family dinners are very important and contribute to the balanced life of the family. In our days the family reunion around the table tends to be a ‘luxury’, even at weekends or on festive days.

I am convinced that the family table provides emotional balance and harmony to all members. It contributes to the smooth development of the socialisation and skills of its younger members and their eating habits. It promotes family members’ communication, responsibility, teamwork, and cooperation. It gives parents the opportunity to talk to their children and learn more about their daily lives, their worries, their interests, and their friends. It unites the family and is a stable reference base for teenagers, offering them shelter and warmth, especially in difficult times. It strengthens and stabilises family relationships and provides the necessary space for parents to act as role models.


It’s not always easy to have a good mood and therefore a relaxed dinner, but you can try doing some of the following. Family dinner means that setting the table is everybody’s work. The contribution of each member, whatever it may be, is necessary and respected! 

Try to sit at the table in a way that everyone can see you and see you well. Remember that good eye contact enhances dialogue and facilitates proper communication. Respect the talk time of all family members by avoiding unnecessary interruptions. There is no limit to the topics that will be discussed at the table, nor a specific agenda! Freedom and spontaneity make communication more meaningful and genuine!


No matter how hungry you feel, try to keep up with the rest and start eating when everyone has taken their place at the table. Avoid the abrupt exit from the family table! Make sure the family meal process is complete and then you’re good to go!

While having your family meal, it is a good idea to avoid having any electronic device (eg video games, TV, cell phones) on the table that can easily distract you and reduce your interest in conversation and communication with your family. 

Make the family dinners, perfect memories for you and your family! Embrace by the moments and appreciate them to the fullest!