
  • 20 Years of Marriage

    20 Years of Marriage

    I recently celebrated my 20-year wedding anniversary. It’s funny how the years go by and how many phases the relationship goes through.

    Read more: 20 Years of Marriage
  • What do you look for in a partner?

    What do you look for in a partner?

    What do we look for in a partner? Do we all have the same criteria of how she or he is the perfect match? Is there a perfect match? And if there is one, how do we find it?

    Read more: What do you look for in a partner?
  • 28 Tips to keep your relationship alive

    28 Tips to keep your relationship alive

    The first stage of the relationship where you are fully in love with a person is an easy and sweet period for both partners. The difficult part comes when you have to face the time when you realise that your partner is not perfect and that you probably live the same pattern every day.

    Read more: 28 Tips to keep your relationship alive
  • Ways to use vinegar

    Ways to use vinegar

    We usually use vinegar to flavour our food, but vinegar has many benefits and it is an all-purpose liquid that can be used for cleaning, cooking, in the garden, etc.

    Read more: Ways to use vinegar