Find people who count the minutes to be with you!

The people who love you deeply will never need excuses and will never use the words "I can't". They will be there to support you, no matter what. They will never avoid being with you and will never turn their back on you when you need them.

The people who love you deeply will never need excuses and will never use the words “I can’t”. They will be there to support you, no matter what. They will never avoid being with you and will never turn their back on you when you need them. The people who truly love you will create the opportunity when everything seems to be falling apart, will build a bridge over the wreckage, and will rush to be with you even for a few minutes.

They wish to meet you as soon as possible and if they can’t they will always send you a message “how are you? I’m here for you!”. 

Love has tremendous power in our souls. Love is unstoppable and every obstacle that love has to overcome becomes an opportunity to grow stronger and expand. Pure love is like a rock; like a rock that no matter how hard the waves of the sea hit it, it does not move from its place.

my best friends and me

Don’t believe people who tell you that they don’t have time for you or that they can’t be in your life. If they wanted to and really loved you, they would. If they loved you, they would find a way to be around you. Obstacles don’t drive away people who truly love us; instead, they stiffen them and make them come to us with more persistence.

People, in fact, always have time for themselves and the things they love. No one is always busy… it just depends on where you are in their heart and where you are on their priority list. Time is not something that you have… it is, more significantly, something that you create.

Find people who even count the minutes to see you. The rest of them are not necessary in your life…