For your children, you are the best mom in the world


For the mom who hides in the bathroom to be alone for a second because her energy and patience have run out. I have been in her position and will be again.

For the mom who wonders if it’s enough when it never seems to be enough and wonders when this season of endless things will end. I have been in her position and will be again.

For the mom who no longer remembers what it’s like to sleep long hours at night when she needs it so much. For the mom who struggles to gather strength for the next day. I have been in her position and will be again.

For the mom who tries to fit everything into the day…home, work, and kids…and at the end of the day feels empty because she thinks she could spend a little more time with her kids.

For the mom who feels lonely even though there are so many people around her. I’ve been to her place and maybe I’ll be there again.

Mom, remember! You are not alone in all this. I’ve been through it and I’ll go through it again.

Motherhood changes our lives in an incredible way. Sometimes it scares us, sucks every drop of energy out of us, and leaves us feeling alone. But this is only a phase that will pass. And when we look back, we will remember little of this phase.

Mom, remember! Motherhood is not just that. It’s just a part of it. Remember that you are doing a great job for your little ones and no one could do it better than you!

Remember. Even at your worst, you are the best mom in the world for your little ones!