Do you want to know me better? If yes, read my story…

orange sky-sea view

Welcome to By Christine G!!!! My name is Christine and this is my online journal where I document life, self-care, parenting, home, food, books, etc.

I was born in Athens and grew up in a small village in the center of Greece. I had an amazing childhood! I am blessed to have a sister and brother and parents who love us to the moon and back. I remember all those years playing and interacting with everyone.

After graduating from Cardiff University I moved to Leeds for my Master’s degree. The fact that I did all my studies abroad allowed me to meet many new people from all over the world. I made very strong friendships that are still very important in my life after so many decades. 

I met the love of my life just before my master’s degree and we studied together that year. We returned to Greece, to Athens, and started focusing on our careers. We got married and had two beautiful and healthy children, Alexandros and Victoria.

Knowing the benefits of my childhood in the countryside, we wouldn’t want anything less for our children. We wanted our children to have the opportunity to grow up in a healthy environment. So, in November 2012, we decided to leave Athens and move to the countryside, to a family home at the top of a hill. The freedom we feel waking up every day and seeing a different view of the sea is amazing.

Life here is much easier than in Athens, but it’s hard to find a job that will motivate my mind and soul and inspire me 100%. I’ve always wanted something more creative and to be able to work from anywhere and on my schedule. The idea of having a blog was like a spark in my brain! I tried to start a blog once, but the timing wasn’t right…

As a family, we faced many challenges, not only because we had no one known to help us with the children, but also because it was very difficult to find a decent job. The hardest time of all was when I faced breast cancer. Cancer changed our lives in a hard way and as a family, we needed time to recover. Personally, cancer changed me in many positive ways, but mostly it made me more determined. After facing so many difficulties, I decided to make my dream come true and start this blog!

Being a mom is my number one priority, but when my kids are in school I work on my blog. I’ve always been interested in how we can make the most of the day and I have many thoughts that I will turn into text to share with you.

I am ready to share my ideas for everyday life, little tips that will make your life easier and articles that will make you happier!

So join me on this journey!