Beauty tricks to look fresh and relaxed every morning


Every day we face so many challenges and the stress levels are always high. Many people feel tired and exhausted and the look on their faces mirrors the fatigue they feel. Sometimes, even after an eight-hour of sleep, our skin can look dull and tired. 


Is there any hope to look better? For me it is very important to look fresh and relaxed every morning when I wake up, firstly because I want to look nice and secondly because when I look nice I feel nice too. I don’t always have the time or the courage to apply every trick I read or know to improve my mood, but at least I try. I have gathered the beauty tricks I use to make myself  look bright and refreshed…hopefully, every morning.

I am not a fan of the gym or any other sport, but one of my weekly goals is to have a little aerobic exercise three to four times a week. The ideal exercise would be half an hour daily! When I think of the word “daily” it scares me, but when I rethink it, it doesn’t sound so bad. It could be a walk with my dogs or jogging next to the sea, or maybe exercising with a good friend. In any case, exercise will make your body say a big “thank you” and you will also see differences in your skin tone as your circulation gets better.

When I see the black circles under my eyes (which is something common) my whole face seems sad (even though I smile a lot).

One of my “best friends” is the concealer, but I prefer a more natural way of eliminating black circles. My grandmother used to do it and I also do it. Place two used tea bags in a saucer and refrigerate. When they are cold, place them under your eyes. You will see the black circles disappear.

I try to wake up ten minutes earlier before the first “mum” is heard in the house. I soak a towel in warm water and put it on my face. I combine this method with thirty seconds of breathing exercises. This helps me wake up gently and my skin as well.


Water is vital to our skin. It is very important to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day, but that alone is not enough. I also consume other liquids that provide me with other kinds of benefits. For example, herbal tea and juices are great drinks that I usually drink.

Do a two-minute facial massage preferably in the morning or in the afternoon after you have cleaned your face. Having such a massage before you start your day, besides being very relaxing and preparing you for the difficulties you are going to face, is also very good for the health of your face and skin.

On difficult days or when I have lack of sleep, my eyes are red like a “vampire”. My eye drops with natural tears save me from the scary look.

I apply light makeup every day to protect my skin from air pollution. When the skin pores are open, the polluted atmosphere can make me get more pimples. Keeping my pores open and letting my skin breathe is important. But only when I am in a clean environment. Besides, I love the way my skin looks when I wear makeup, all the imperfections disappear! 

Blush is my friend, it’s my beauty secret. Cream blushes in a small amount become one with my skin and look perfect. I compensate the skin’s natural redness with blush in shades of coral or apricot.

Finally, for a natural glow, I apply a transparent powder or cream on the cheekbones and the upper edge of the nose. I also find that brown mascara and a soft coloured eye pencil make me look fresh.

So get up a little bit earlier in the morning and give yourself a nice treatment. You deserve it!!! 
