8 Grandma’s secrets to clean up stains


If you come across hard stains on your clothes, all you need is some good advice. Grandma’s tips for hard stains are the advice you need! Below is a list of eight difficult stains and a tip for each of them. One thing is for sure! You will definitely solve your problem!


1. Red wine stain on clothes

Using a towel, remove any remaining liquid, but without rubbing the stain. Then put some salt on it. Soak your garment in a basin with cold water and a little liquid soap all night. Rinse the garment in the morning.

2. Carpet stain

Sprinkle the stain with cornflower, and leave it to work for about half an hour. Then wipe it off with a vacuum cleaner.

3. Chewing gum on clothes

Place the piece of clothing in a well-sealed bag and refrigerate for several hours. After a few hours, the gum will have frozen and you will be able to remove it much easier.

4. Sweat marks 

Rub two aspirins until they become dust and dissolve them in half a cup of warm water. Soak only the part of the garment where the sweat mark is and let the aspirin do its miracle for two to three hours.


5. Faded Curtains

Fill the basin with cold water and a cup of coarse salt and place the curtains inside. Let them soak overnight. The next day, wash them regularly in the washing machine and hang them as soon as the program is over.

6. Ink stains

Dip the garment in a basin with milk and let them soak for a while. Then rinse it very well.

7. Stains on the sofa

Apply a little hand cream on a wet thin towel. Pour a few drops of water on the stain to remove it more easily and gently rub the towel over it. If you find that the stain persists or that the smell is intense at this point, sprinkle with a little baking soda, allow it to act for five minutes and then remove it with a vacuum cleaner.


8. Bloodstain on towels

Soak the towel in cold water. Then, in a plastic bag, add two cups of lemon juice, half a cup of salt and put the towel in. Close the bag tightly. Press the towel tightly into the bag, insisting on the points where the stain is. Leave the towel in the bag for ten minutes, then remove it and squeeze it well. Finally, let it dry in the sun.