5 Ways to raise mentally resilient children


More and more parents are wondering how to teach their children ways to be mentally resilient. The sooner we begin to teach our children, the more prepared they will be to face the reality of adult life. That is why the following golden rules can help us raise mentally resilient children.

1. Make it a priority to take care of their minds

Most parents talk to their children about the importance of taking care of their bodies. But few parents talk about the importance of mental health and development. 

2. Talk about emotions

Invested time in teaching children how to handle uncomfortable emotions such as frustration, anxiety, and loneliness. Apart from their anger and excitement, most parents do not talk about emotions. Therefore, children do not learn to recognise their own emotions and as a result, cannot handle them. That’s why it is important to incorporate words that express emotions into your daily conversations.


3. Teach your children how to think realistically

When your child says, “I will never understand math,” it’s tempting to reply, “Of course, you will honey.” But giving your kids reassurance without teaching them how to reassure themselves isn’t helpful. When your child expresses doubts and makes disastrous predictions and negative thoughts, teach them how to think differently. Show them how to recognise useless thoughts and make them more realistic. Explain to them that our thoughts are not always true and that sometimes our brains themselves turn out to be wrong. Give an example of your daily routine.

4. Become the model for positive action

Children need to know that they can also act against their emotions. In fact, their behaviour can change their feelings. If your children had a bad day at school, they may choose to do something at home, which will make them feel better. Be a role model for them and show them that sometimes you act against your emotions. Say: “I feel tired today, but I know it’s better to cook than sit down to watch TV.”

5. Show how they can solve their own problems

It may be tempting for you to solve your children’s problems, but they need opportunities to practice problem-solving skills. Resist the idea of ​​’cleaning up’ for them. On the contrary, encourage them to come up with a solution for themselves. Let them make some mistakes, so they’ll know the consequences that follow.


In fact, I try to apply these rules every day because I know that they help the whole family to be calmer and to deal with difficulties more efficiently. I’m not saying it’s easy or that I always succeed, but with all of this in mind, I have a better chance of implementing it and reaping the benefits for my kids.