4 Foods for supervision


Eyesight problems due to age, affect millions of adults daily. The truth is that such conditions can very easily be prevented by taking the necessary vitamins and minerals through our daily diet. These are some nutrient-rich foods that greatly benefit our eyes.

orange juice

Orange juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and has positive effects on our eye health. A glass of natural orange juice gives us one-fifth of the necessary daily amount of vitamins.


Apart from aphrodisiacs, it is the best source of zinc, a trace element necessary for the good health of our eyes. Zinc allows vitamin A to create melanin, which, among other things, protects our eyes.



It is a good source of Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids, vital for vision health.


Food like quinoa, instead of processed carbohydrates such as white bread, have positive effects on the health of our eyes.


So if you have no allergies to one of the above foods, try to consume them daily to have the best results for your health and for your eyes’ health.