20 Reasons why you should start eating olives


Olives are one of those foods that are simply irresistible as they are surprisingly healthy. If you don’t eat olives you should start eating them immediately and I’ll explain why. This is a list of what olives can do for your health so you have more reasons why you should consume olives every day.


1. They adjust high cholesterol levels.

2. They lower high blood pressure.

3. They are a rich source of fiber and are a great alternative to include in your meal instead of a vegetable or fruit.

4. They have plenty of vitamin E.

5. They have antioxidant substances.

6. They can reduce the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, tumors, and varicose veins.

7. They prevent blood clotting which can lead to serious diseases.

8. They protect cell membranes from diseases such as cancer.


9. They contribute against anemia.

10. They increase fertility and improve the reproductive system.

11. They play an important role in strengthening the immune system.

12. They are a great aphrodisiac.

13. They are rich in minerals such as sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.

14. They provide your body with all the essential amino acids and vitamins.

15. They contain oleic acid, which is great for your heart health.

16. They contain polyphenols, a natural compound that reduces stress on the brain, and if consumed regularly can increase your memory by up to 25%.


17. A small cup of olives contains 4.4 mg of iron.

18. Ten olives before a meal can reduce your appetite by 20%. Because of the fatty acids they contain, they slow down digestion and send satiety signals to your brain.

19. They also help your body produce adiponectin, which reduces fats by up to 5 hours after eating.

20. They’re delicious too!

So think about adding olives to your daily meals!!!